プーリップ デコレーションドレスケーキ 数量限定再販売決定!

ご好評につき完売となっておりました AngelicPretty とのコラボレーションモデル
『 Pullip / Decoration Dress Cake (デコレーションドレスケーキ) 』
The collaboration model with Angelic Pretty, "Pulip/Decorated Dress Cake," which sold out due to popular demand, will be available for pre-order again in limited quantities!
Angelic Prettyとのコラボレーションモデル、『Pullip / Decoration Dress Cake』は
The collaboration model with Angelic Pretty, "Pullip / Decoration Dress Cake," has received a lot of praise for its cuteness since its release announcement. It was eagerly awaited and went on sale in December 2023, generating a significant amount of feedback. We received numerous voices from fans who missed the chance to purchase, expressing sentiments like, "I wanted it but couldn't buy it, missed the opportunity." In response to those fans, we have decided to re-release it in limited quantities.
「Pullip / Decoration Dress Cake」を購入できるのは、
You can purchase "Pullip / Decoration Dress Cake" exclusively through Groove's online store and select retail stores. As there is a limited quantity available, be sure not to miss this opportunity!
2024年2月9日(金)11:00 から販売開始、お届けは2月末になります。
Sales will commence on February 9, 2024, at 11:00 AM, and deliveries are scheduled for the end of February.
Groove Store Japan (グルーヴストア)